Calls for proposals on innovation in education
A number of calls for proposals have been launched to finance innovative educational projects. An overview is given below.
The Comenius programme enables educational professionals, in the spirit of the programme's denominator, to innovate in their education and to put their vision on teaching and learning into practice. The educational innovation projects financed by the Comenius programme contribute directly to the renewal and improvement of higher education in the Netherlands. The Comenius programme offers grants to Teaching Fellows (€ 50,000), Senior Fellows (€ 100,000) and Leadership Fellows (€ 250,000). The Fellows are distinguished on the basis of their experience and the scope of their impact on education.
Read more about the application procedure from Leiden University.
Incentive programme for open and online education 2019
SURF's and OCW's annual incentive programme for open and online education has been restarted. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science has made funding available to higher education institutions for experiments with online education and open educational resources.
Learn how you can get support from Leiden University in submitting your proposal (in dutch).
Virtual Exchange
On January 2018 we started with the pilotproject Virtual Exchange. Since then tens of students from Leiden University went on virtual exchange, and a handful of incoming students took an online course from Leiden University. To enhance our portfolio we aim to add six more online electives to the portfolio. Are you a teacher? Do you want to develop and teach an online course (SPOC or MOOC) for your own students, and at the same time open it up for international students?
Then read on for more information and the registration procedure.