2017 editions of annual report and sustainability report published
Leiden University's 2017 annual report has now been published. This year for the first time the University has also published a separate sustainability report. Leiden University is the first university to produce a separate report on the progress of its sustainability policies.
The (regular) 2017 Annual Report by Leiden University covers education, research, innovation, knowledge valorisation, infrastructure, staffing and finances. The annual report including the financial statements is both an accounting and a reference document. The appendices include a complete overview of programmes, PhD defences, inaugural lecures, prize-winners, boards and accreditations.
First sustainability report
This year for the first time, Leiden University has also published a sustainability report about activities over the past year. The programme also includes a review of 2017 and shows how it is reducing its raw material and energy consumption for the benefit of future generations. The report looks back at 2017 and earlier years and also looks ahead to future plans. The report promotes awareness and involvement among students and staff.
Teaching and research
The report addresses such questions as: how can Leiden University save energy? How is the separation of waste arranged at the University? Do the different programmes make students adequately aware of the importance of sustainability? What is the University doing on this issue? How is the University working on its commuication on this subject?
Good progress and new ambitions
Martijn Ridderbos, Vice-President of the Executive Board, expressed his satisfaction with the report. 'The Board is happy with the progress that has been made and particularly with the excellent teamwork among all the parties involved within the University. The plan runs until 2020, but in the course of the present year the Executive Board intends to discuss a number of additional new ambitions with all the parties involved. We are thinking of such possibilities as CO2 reduction, partly in the light of the climate treaty.'
Environmental policy plan
The sustainability report covers the different themes of the University's environmental policy plan. Geert de Snoo, professor of Environmental Biology, has contributed to formulating these objectives. 'It's fantastic to see that we are well on course to achieve our plans. Our University has a responsibility to society, and our students also believe we should be working actively on this issue.'