Netherlands win golden medal at annivesary edition Benelux Mathematics Olympiad
In the last weekend of April, the tenth edition of the Benelux Mathematics Olympiad took place. The Dutch delegation won a total of 8 medals. The 17-year-old Nils van de Berg even obtained a golden one!
MI as partner
The Mathematical Institute (MI) of Leiden University is a partner of the Olympiad. Peter Stevenshagen and Brigit van Dalen from the MI were both involved as board member and coordinator respectively. PhD student Julian Lyczak helped as a supervisor in this edition.
Anniversary edition
Since 2009, high school students from Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have challenged each other the Benelux Mathematics Olympiad. For this anniversary edition, also teams from France, Ireland and Switzerland were invited. Each team consisted of ten students. The Dutch team was selected from over 10,000 participants in four preliminary rounds.
Netherlands on top
The participants fought a battle in four challenging math assignments. For this, they had a total of four and a half hours. The best half of all participants won a medal (bronze, silver or gold). With a grand total of 160 points, the Netherlands managed to beat the other two Benelux countries.
Results team NL
The results of the invididual members of the Dutch team are as follows:
GOLD (24 points) – Nils van de Berg – Sint-Oelbergymnasium Oosterhout (NB)
SILVER (22 points) – Jovan Gerbscheid – St. Ignatiusgymnasium Amsterdam
SILVER (22 points) – Szaby Buzogany – Corderius Collega Amersfoort
SILVER (21 points) – Lammers Westerdijk – Stedelijk Gymnasium Leeuwarden
SILVER (20 points) – Thomas Chen – Gymnasium Haganum Den Haag
BRONS (17 points) – Tim Vogels – RSG Pantarijn Wageningen
BRONS (15 points) – Richard Wols - CSG Dingstede Meppel
BRONS (12 points) – Floris Venselaar – Christelijk College de Populier Den Haag
5 punten – Hanne Snijders – Marnix Gymnasium Rotterdam
2 punten – Philippe van Elderen – Atheneum College Hageveld Heemstede
Participant Richard Wols about the Benelux Mathematics Olympiad: “It is really nice to be able to participate in mathematics at such a beautiful place!” Golden medalist Nils van de Berg adds: “Yes, it is fantastic to be part of such a challenging race, but the best part is making international friends.”
Team NL supervisors
- Julian Lyczak, Leiden University
- Jeroen Huijben, Utrecht University
- Eva van Ammers, Utrecht University
The Mathematics Olympiad is organized in collaboration with Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Universiteit Leiden,Transtrend, ORTEC & Rabobank and is made possible by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Science, ABN AMRO, ASML, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Compositio, Dutch National Bank, HP, Noordhoff Uitgevers, Cito, Freudenthal Institution, the Archimedes Insitute of University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and the Dutch Association of math teachers.