Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics
In the field of metabolomics, capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) has become a very useful analytical technique for the profiling of highly polar and charged metabolites in biological samples. In order to highlight the unique features of CE-MS for metabolomics studies, Dr. Rawi Ramautar from the research group Biomedical Microscale Analytics of the LACDR, has introduced a research monograph (see figure), which will be published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in June 2018.
Topics covered include CE separation modes, capillary coatings and practical aspects of CE-MS coupling. Attention will also be devoted to sample pretreatment and data analysis strategies specifically relevant for CE-MS. Special emphasis will be given to advanced interfacing techniques for coupling CE to MS and on their implications for metabolomics. The utility of electrophoretic and chromatographic preconcentration procedures to (further) improve the concentration sensitivity of CE-MS for metabolic profiling studies will also be outlined. The potential of CE-MS for chiral metabolic profiling will also be shown. The applicability of CE-MS for metabolomics will be demonstrated using samples ranging from plasma and urine to cells and tissues. In particular, the utility of CE-MS for metabolic profiling of volume-restricted samples will be considered. This unique research monograph will be used as course material for the lecture series Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics for master students BPS.