Campaign platform connects researchers with sponsors
Want to sponsor scientific research by raising funds? You can now do just that via Leiden University's campaign platform acties.steunleiden.nl. A broad range of projects have already started, including for research on genetic diseases.
It's all going to happen on 27 May when LUMC researcher Gido Gravesteijn will be running the Leiden Marathon. That's an enormous sporting achievement, and he's also doing it for charity. Gravesteijn won't just be running for himself; he will be running for all those in the Netherlands who suffer from CADASIL. This is a little-known genetic disease that typically leads to strokes, migraine and dementia.
Campaign platform
Gravesteijn recently started a campaign on the acties.steunleiden.nl platform. This is a website where staff and students at Leiden University can themselves start a campaign to raise sponsor funding for an educational or research project at Leiden University. Gido's funding will be used to support scientific research on CADASIL so that this awful condition can hopefully be combatted better in future.
Fifty campaigns have already been added to the platform. Other researchers are hoping to gather funding for the fight against the spread of tumours in the digestive tract and the bone disease fibrous dysplasia. Leiden's Heeren Dispuut Vanir8 is also joining in. They are planning to row the Canal Regatta, a 100-kilometre long rowing competition. They will be gathering funding for research on Langerhans Cell Histiocytose (LCH), an illness mainly afecting children.
Want to start a campaign, or make a donation?
Are you an employee or student at Leiden University and do you want to start a sponsoring campaign for research or teaching at Leiden University? Or are you interested in supporting one of the projects as a sponsor? If so, take a look at www.acties.steunleiden.nl.