ILS Bookpresentation by Prof. Vassilis Hatzopoulos
The March ILS lunch seminar will take on a slightly different format, as we have the honour of receiving Prof. Vassilis Hatzopoulos who will present his new book on the Collaborative Economy and EU Law.

AirBnB, Uber, Snapcar: the collaborative economy is shaking existing norms. To name but a few qualifications: disruptive innovation, the fourth industrial revolution, one of the ten ideas that will change the world. It poses unprecedented challenges in terms of material policies, as well as governance in almost all aspects of EU law. Touching upon so many different fields of law, as well as different levels of regulation, the sharing economy fits perfectly within the theme of our Law School’s profile area of Interaction between Legal Systems.
Hatzopoulos’ book explores the application – or indeed inadequacy – of existing EU rules in the context of the collaborative economy. It delves into a sector-specific examination of the relevant EU rules, especially on data protection, competition, consumer protection and labour law, and comments on the uncertainties and lacunae produced therein. Taking a broad perspective and pragmatic view, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the collaborative economy in the context of the EU legal landscape.
Vassilis Hatzopoulos is full Professor of EU Law and Policies at the Panteion University, Athens and the Provost of Undergraduate Studies at the European Law and Governance School, Athens. Previously he was Professor at the Democritus University of Thrace, where he also served as Chair of his Department, then Dean of the School of Social, Political and Economic Sciences. He is visiting Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and honourary Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham (UK).
Date and time: Thursday 8 March, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs (KOG B0.41) .
Free lunch provided. No need to register.
For further information please contact Daila Gigengack.