Students of the Leiden LL.M. in European Law visit Eurojust
On 9 February students of the Master in European Law visited the new headquarters of Eurojust, one of the EU’s agencies for judicial cooperation in criminal matters based in The Hague.

Eurojust coordinates the cooperation between Member States’ prosecuting authorities in the fight against organised cross border crime. A group of twenty-five students joined the opportunity to see the agency from the inside and learn more about its activities. The group included the students that had done their Privatissimum (Academic Skills Court) on the topic of Mobility and Security; a course organised in the framework of the MOSE Jean Monnet Chair.
Students were received by Renske Mackor, assistant to the Dutch National Member at Eurojust and herself a Prosecutor in the Netherlands. She introduced students to the work of the Agency, answered numerous questions and showed students around the premises including the room of the College of Eurojust and one of the rooms from which joint operations are coordinated.