Online publication of the Institute’s coin collection
On the 26th of February, 2018, it was exactly 25 years ago that the coins of ‘Verzameling Mr. B. Kolff’ were handed over to the Leiden Papyrological Institute.

On the 26th of February, 2018, it was exactly 25 years ago that the coins of ‘Verzameling Mr. B. Kolff’ were handed over to the Leiden Papyrological Institute.
To celebrate this anniversary, the PDF-version of the (Dutch) catalogue and introduction to this collection of billion tetradrachms and bronze coins from Roman Egypt published by A. Verhoogt et al., Propaganda in de Portemonnee. Catalogus en Inleiding tot ‘De verzameling Mr. B. Kolff’: biljoen tetradrachmen en bronzen munten uit Romeins Egypte (Uitgaven vanwege de Stichting “Het Leidsch Papyrologisch Instituut”, Leiden, 2000) has been made freely available online at