Inauguration computer cluster GRACE at LIACS
By making two final network connections and entering a command, Martijn Ridderbos (Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board) , Geert de Snoo (Dean of the Faculty of Science) and Bart Hoogervorst (Head of Department Operations ICT Shared Service Centre) ceremonially booted up the university’s latest supercomputer, GRACE.
135 teraFLOPS computer cluster
This new, 135 teraFLOPS flagship computer cluster was purchased by the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) at the initiative of Holger Hoos, Professor of Machine Learning at Leiden University. GRACE is named after Grace Hopper, a pioneer of computing science.
ADA Research Group
Together with his ADA Research Group, Hoos will use the new state-of-the-art computer cluster for research on generalised machine learning and the automated construction of high-performance algorithms for challenging computational problems from artificial intelligence (AI) and its many applications.
The inauguration of GRACE took place in the LIACS Research and Education Laboratory (REL) of the Snellius Building, followed by a reception in the FooBar.