Former Leiden Colleague Sven Vleeming honored with ‘Festschrift’
On February 2nd, 2018, Professor Sven P. Vleeming of Trier University was presented with a ‘Festschrift’ to celebrate his retirement last summer. The book was presented to him, in the presence of friends and colleagues from the Netherlands and abroad, by the editors: his former Leiden colleagues Koen Donker van Heel and Cisca Hoogendijk (both Papyrologisch Instituut, Leiden University) and Cary Martin (University College London).
The Festschrift, entitled ‘Hieratic, Demotic and Greek Studies and Text Editions. Of Making Many Books There Is No End: Festschrift in Honour of Sven P. Vleeming, is published at Brill (Leiden-Boston). Its more than 350 pages consist of contributions by 38 international specialists, including many editions of unpublished Hieratic, Demotic and Greek texts from the periods between the 7th century BCE till the 2nd century CE. The wide scope mirrors the broad interest and knowledge of the honoree.
Sven Vleeming studied Egyptology, General Linguistics and Comparative Semitic at Leiden University between 1970–1977, where he was one of the founders of the Leiden ‘Egyptologisch Dispuut Pleyte’. Afterwards, he was appointed to University Lecturer at the Leiden Papyrological Institute (1977–1986) and then Senior University Lecturer (1986–1996). In 1983 he received his PhD in Leiden with a dissertation entitled ‘Papyrus Reinhardt, An Egyptian Land List from the Tenth Cent. B.C.’ In 1996 he moved to Trier University as Professor of Egyptology, where he has worked until his retirement in 2017.
For more information on the book see: http://www.brill.com/products/book/hieratic-demotic-and-greek-studies-and-text-editions