Publication: Artistic Research in Music: Discipline and Resistance - Artists and Researchers at the Orpheus Institute
Book publication 'Artistic Research in Music: Discipline and Resistance' marks the 20th anniversary of the Orpheus Institute..
The Orpheus Institute celebrates 20 years of artistic research in music
Artistic research has come of age, and with it the Orpheus Institute. Founded twenty years ago, the Institute’s purpose from the start has been to pursue research through the practice of musicians. The Orpheus Institute is of the same generation as the field it was established to explore.
Like many young adults, artistic research and its structures are still constructing their identity within a wider world. How have they developed? How will they mature? How can they negotiate relationships with institutions, disciplines, and bodies of theory and yet retain the essence of their work—the critical perspective of the artist? In the last two decades there have been major changes in the dynamics and structures of culture, its institutions and constituencies. How can artistic research maintain a productive dialectic between its potential status as a discipline and its core as radical practice?
These and related questions are the threads woven through this collection of essays and assessments by present and past members of the Orpheus community—researchers, scholars, administrators, advisors. Together and separately they weave a tapestry of past accomplishments, current research, and future perspectives. They celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Orpheus not with congratulations but with challenges and questions—a job for research, a job for the Institute, a job for the future.
The wide range of contributors to this volume includes practitioner-researchers, theorists, and academic leaders from institutions at the forefront of artistic research in music.
Author(s): Jonathan Impett (ed.)
Contributors: a.o. Tom Beghin (Orpheus Instituut, Gent), Paulo de Assis (Orpheus Instituut, Gent), Leonella Grasso Caprioli (Conservatorio di Vicenza), Jonathan Impett (Orpheus Instituut, Gent), Esa Kirkkopelto (University of the Arts, Helsinki), Kari Kurkela (University of the Arts, Helsinki), Susan Melrose (Middlesex University, London), Stefan Östersjö (Orpheus Instituut, Gent), Gertrud Sandqvist (Malmö Art Academy), Huib Schippers, Vanessa Tomlinson, Paul Draper (Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, Griffith University), Luk Vaes (Orpheus Instituut, Gent), Janneke Wesseling/ Kitty Zijlmans (Universiteit Leiden)
In collaboration with a number of institutions for higher education in the arts, the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts offers a PhD program in music : docARTES is an international doctoral programme based in the Orpheus Institute in Ghent. Its curriculum focusses on practice-based research in musical arts. More than just stimulating and facilitating artist-researchers, docARTES provides a 4-year doctoral curriculum, consisting of research and training. It allows doctoral students to develop their artistic qualities, broaden their academic knowledge and expand their methodological skills.