Highlights 2017 FGGA in 12 photos
2017 was our year for new developments. Namely, the opening of our new Wijnhaven, our first debates in the StepTalks series and with a view to the future of our students, our first Career Event. This was our year in 12 photos.
Highlights January - April
Opening Wijnhaven
First Student recruitment activity in Wijnhaven
College tour with Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, ‘De Haagse 2 dagen’
Our first Career Event

Highlights May - August
Our mayor came to visit
Urban trail run
BNR News Radio
HOP week

Highlights September - December
Start of our new Bachelor Security Studies
‘Stadsatelier’ in Wijnhaven
The release of our new concept: Steptalks
Finishing with the Master get Together, cheers!