1 March: Deadline AMT2 Research Funding (final round)
The deadline for the final round of AMT2 Research Funding is 1 March 2018, 17 hrs CET. Application is open to all academic staff of Leiden University.
AMT 2 Research Funding
AMT’s mission includes encouraging innovative high-quality research in Leiden on Asia. Grants are intended to open up new areas of research or postgraduate teaching in preparation for a major research grant application.
We especially welcome applications of a cross-regional or multi-disciplinary nature. Proposals for high-profile international conferences and inviting renowned guest speakers are encouraged.
Grants are NOT intended to fund projects that already have been started or whose design has been completed, or extensions of such projects.
AMT offers two types of funding:
1) AMT Individual funding up to a maximum of €2,000 and
2) AMT Network funding up to a maximum of €5,000.
Applications will be assessed primarily on innovative potential and academic excellence. The funding cannot be used strictly for individual research purposes or to cover research leave.
Individual Funding
Individual funding up to a maximum of €2,000
The focus of this funding is mainly on research leading towards international collaboration.
Funding will be granted upon receipt of all invoices justifying the expenses. Advance payments are not possible.
All funding must be claimed within 12 months upon grant allocation.
However, in certain cases (ongoing seminar/lecture series at Leiden University) an extension can be obtained if the applicant justifies/requests this in writing.
If AMT funding is granted to cover travel expenses, please book all you flights via the Uniglobe Alliance Travel.
Individual grants will normally not exceed €2,000.
Network Funding
Network funding up to a maximum of €5,000
AMT will award two network grants per year. The money will be used to assist collaborative events, such as workshops or working meetings intended to discuss a particular call for proposals.
The applicant(s) should already have a draft application in hand prior to the AMT funding.
The money can be used for travel purposes for participants from partner universities involved in the application.
Application Procedure
Application is open to all academic staff, including postdoctoral researchers, working at Leiden University.
To apply for the AMT Research Funding please use this application form.
AMT Assistance
AMT will help you with dissemination via the AMT website and AMT News updates. If the AMT funding is used for workshops or conferences, the applicant is in charge of their organization (booking rooms, catering, etc). AMT is not in charge of booking flights or arranging accommodation for guest speakers.