Successful LLX-event on the second preliminary reference from Karlsruhe
On Friday, 24.11.2017, the Europa Institute organised together with EURO-CEFG a Leiden Law Exchange-event (LLX) on the second preliminary reference of the German Federal Constitutional Court to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
During this event, which was entitled In the spirit of close cooperation? ECB under scrutiny, three distinguished speakers introduced into a specific element of the reference, before opening the floor for interesting discussions with the attending audience.
After a short introduction by Professor Stefaan Van den Bogaert, Dr. Clovis Hopman (De Nederlandsche Bank) kick started the event by explaining the technical details of the ECB’s Quantitative Easing Programme, the subject-matter of the German reference. Subsequently, Professor Dr. Martin Nettesheim (University of Tübingen), who joined the event via Skype, appraised the new reference from a German constitutional law perspective. Finally, Dr. Jan-Herman Reestman (University of Amsterdam) concluded the event by discussing the implications of the reference for the relationship between the German court and the CJEU.
The stimulating presentations and discussions were continued during the following drinks reception. It was a truly successful event on this important matter.