First Dutch National Post-Doc Prize Awarded to Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh
The first Dutch National Post-Doc Prize was awarded to Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh, postdoctoral researcher in the field of funerary archaeology with ERC-Synergy NEXUS1492 at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University.

Hodshon House
The prize was presented on Friday 17 November 2017 in the Hodshon House of the KHMW in Haarlem by Rens Vliegenthart, chairman of De Jonge Akademie and Louise Gunning-Schepers, chairman of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW). Judge Lenneke Alink spoke about the laudatio and the laureate was interviewed by Kristine Steenbergh, member of De Jonge Akademie.

"Excellent scientist"
The jury, consisting of Lenneke Alink (Leiden University), Hanneke van Laarhoven (University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Centre), Christian Lange (Utrecht University) and Johan van Leeuwaarden (Technical University Eindhoven), describes Mickleburgh as “an excellent scientist with an excellent track record. At an early stage of her career, she has already built up an impressive track record with various special performances. For example, she has developed an innovative, transdisciplinary project using methods from archaeology, forensic studies, biology and geochemistry. This shows that she is able to work beyond the boundaries of a specific field in order to answer her research questions. (....). Mickleburgh also ensures that not only the academic impact but also the wider social impact of her project is optimised, through elaborate programmes involving archaeologists, forensic researchers, the Dutch police unit and the wider public.”

"Working outside of the bounds of my discipline"
Dr. Mickleburgh addressed the audience, speaking about her research, as well as the importance of involving the public in scientific research. Mickleburgh specifically pleads for outreach that contributes to two-way engagement between researchers and the public. “Some of the most interesting contributions to my work, have been when I’m working outside of the bounds of my discipline: in collaboration with other fields of research and when I’m discussing my work with the public.”, she concludes in her speech.
What happens to a body after it is buried? Dr. Mickleburgh explains on Universiteit van Nederland:
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