Two Presentations by Moritz Jesse at annual ECPR 2017 Conference in Oslo
Dr. Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor at the Europa Institute, presented two papers at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) which took place in Oslo, Norway, in September 2017.

Paper 1, titled ‘The Arrival of the “Other(s)” – What can be learnt from legislative changes after the “Refugee Crises” of 2015?”’, dealt with legislative changes after the arrival of large numbers of asylum seekers in the summer and autumn of 2015 in order to answer four sets of questions: (1) What are the underlying assumptions about who is arriving to claim asylum? Are there different groups visible in the legislative reactions and are different procedures installed for these groups? (2) How are different groups of asylum seekers seen by legislators? Who is treated favorably in relationship to other groups? (3) Are there different statuses, procedures, or trajectories determining the short, mid-term, and long-term future of asylum seekers within the receiving society based on said differentiations in the law? What does that say about the view of the legislator on who is welcome, who is tolerated, and who is unwanted? (4) What are the commonalities and differences in the reactions of the EU and the Member States? Have countries who had to deal with high numbers of asylum seekers reacted with different legislative changes than countries with lower numbers?
Paper 2, dealt with patterns of how the European Court of Justice deals with European Citizenship cases over time. The paper, which was originally written together with Daniel Carter, PhD Candidate at the Europa Institute, was called ‘Back to the Market Roots for Legal Residence of Union Citizens?’, and developed further the idea that the Court of Justice never abandoned the differentiation between economically active and non-active Citizens of the Union in determining their rights and obligations under EU Law. In this logic, the recent cases, such as Dano or Alimanovic, are not surprising but a logical consequence of earlier judgments.
The ECPR is a consortium bringing together scientists studying European Integration and political developments in Europe.
More information about the 2017 General Conference.