Stephanie Rap visiting lecturer at Renmin University of China Law School
From 9 until 20 October 2017 Stephanie Rap has visited the Renmin University of China Law School in Beijing to teach a course titled Juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice: interdisciplinary perspectives. She was warmly welcomed by the vice-dean Prof. Yanan Shi and Ms. Lei Chen, head of the law school’s international office.

The teaching staff exchange is part of the existing collaboration between Leiden Law School and Renmin Law School. Stephanie developed a course in which students were provided with a state-of-the art overview of the interdisciplinary field of juvenile justice through a series of five 3-hour lectures. Each lecture took a different topical entry-point to consider juvenile delinquency, criminological theory on juvenile delinquency and desistance, different juvenile justice systems, children’s rights, adolescent development, child-friendly justice and sentencing and interventions.

As part of the lecture series, Dr. He Ting, associate professor at the College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University gave a presentation on the juvenile justice system in China. Also, Ms. Han Lee, social worker at the Beijing Chaoyue Adolescents Social Work Services Agency enlightened the students on the social work services in juvenile justice in Beijing. The course was attended by around 30 students – mainly master- and PhD-students in the field of criminal (procedural) law. During the final lecture, the students gave excellent presentations on various topics relating to juvenile justice in China, such as diversion, police interrogation and the minimum age of criminal responsibility.
During her stay in Beijing Stephanie also gave a guest lecture at the Human Rights Master Programme at the Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Peking University Law School. Moreover, she visited UNICEF China, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Beijing and the Beijing Chaoyue Adolescents Social Work Services Agency.