Second call for LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme
Ninety young researchers who recently obtained a doctorate can apply for a post-doc position in the LEaDing Fellows Postdocs Programme from 1 November. The programme foresees in three Calls, of which the first one was recently completed with the selection of 20 persons. Seven of them will start working at Leiden University, 3 at LUMC. Rotterdam/EMC and Delft both receive 5 post-docs.
Five knowledge institutions
The programme is part of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus alliance, and is a collaboration of Leiden University, TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Leiden University Medical Centre and the Erasmus Medical Centre. In 2016, the five knowledge institutions received a joint European grant of € 6.3 million from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND programme, which aims to promote international mobility among young academics. This postdoc programme aims to stimulate international and interdisciplinary research between different sectors, thereby improving the career prospects of young researchers.
Ten years ago, the medical and technical consortium Medical Delta was established, followed by the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus alliance in 2012. The eight Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centres that form part of the alliance focus on complex issues in society. Due to this long tradition of collaboration, the post-doc researchers take advantage of a multidisciplinary environment and can easily work together with research groups from other institutions.
Researchers can apply for a position from 1 November until 10 January 2018. In the second round there is place for forty post-docs. In the third and final round later in 2018 the remaining positions provided for in the program will be filled. The programme runs until February 2022.
More information: http://leadingfellows.eu/