Prof. Ton Liefaard to speak about access to justice for children in The Hague
On 3 November 2017 in The Hague Institute for Global Justice in The Hague, Prof. Ton Liefaard (Professor of Children's Rights at Leiden University and UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights), will address members and non-members of the Royal Netherlands Society of International Law (KNVIR, link in Dutch) on KNVIR's yearly annual meeting. The KNVIR was founded in 1910 as the Dutch branch of the International Law Association.
This year's theme of the annual meeting is 'Protecting the rights of families and children in a changing world.' Three presentations will inform the audience about research (preadvies) into a connected theme and give suggestions to academia on how to improve the situation of affected people by conducting research.
Prof. Betty de Hart (link in Dutch) (Professor Migration Law at University of Amsterdam) will talk about the ‘Modern Family - Transnational Families in Nationality Law and Migration Law’. Prof. Ton Liefaard will elaborate on ‘Access to Justice for Children’. He will explore the meaning of access to justice for children, enabling them to seek effective remedies in case of unlawful treatment. He will identify the key requirements that ought to be considered when establishing such remedies for children at the domestic and international level, while taking into account the barriers children are confronted with. He will conclude with recommendations for a possible academic research agenda. Representatives of the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, will speak about the ‘Cross-Border Recognition of Parent-Child Relationship Statuses (Parentage)’, including International Surrogacy Arrangements - An Update on the Work of the HCCH’.
The presentations will be followed by a discussion. At 1:00 P.M. the meeting will start, to which only members are admitted. Interested non-members are welcome to attend from 1:30 P.M. onwards. The presentations and discussion will be held in English. Visit the website of the KNVIR for more information. Should you want to attend the meeting, please register in advance at gro.rivnk@ofni. Admission is free.