New at Campus The Hague: StepTalks
The Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven will be the setting for a new series of lectures, presentations and debates: the StepTalks.
All faculties and institutes based at the Campus The Hague can take the initiative to organise a StepTalk that appeals to students and staff from the entire range of studies at the Campus The Hague. Speakers can be internal as well as external. The StepTalks will be inspiring, varied and relevant and will take place on a regular basis. Watch the announcement screens in the hallways and check them out for these logos!

Find an overview of the StepTalks in Events.
The first StepTalk is scheduled for Monday October 16 2017, Sustainability dialogue: Food of the Future (DuurzaamheidsDialoog: Eten van de Toekomst). The spoken language for this event is Dutch.