MOOC Music & Society starts October 16
Thorough introduction in the various ways in which music and society are connected.
Every four weeks Coursera offers the MOOC Music & Society. On October 16, the MOOC will start again.
The MOOC Music & Society gives a thorough introduction to the different ways music and society are interconnected. Discussed is a.o. the role, function and status of music in society and the influence of music on social, political, economic, technological and many other developments. Interesting lectures and interviews (for example with Daniel Barenboim, Ton Koopman and Louis Andriessen), challenging assignments, engaging articles and of course many musical examples provide more insight into where, how and why we listen to music, how music gives form to one's identity and what effect music has on our values. Possibilities to embed the MOOC in ACPA’s regular education are now being looked into.
The MOOC lasts four weeks and is offered every four weeks. Read more about Music & Society here.