BNR De Wereld: How dangerous is North Korea?
What is the relationship between America and North Korea? How big are the chances that a war will break out? How important are the personalities of Trump and Kim Jong-un? These and other questions about North Korea were treated in the BNR-De Wereld programme that was broadcasted live from Campus The Hague of Leiden University. Listen to the broadcast here.
The broadcast of BNR The Wereld was about North Korea and the risk of a conflict with its leader Kim Jong-un. Guests were two speakers of Leiden University: Rob de Wijk, professor of International Relations and Security as well as director of The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, and Remco Breuker, professor of Korea Studies.
The broadcast was live recorded in the Wijnhaven building, while the audience watched and listened on the Spanish steps. Students, teachers and staff of the surrounding ministries attended. The audience asked good questions, which were all answered in detail.
Listen back
You will find more information on the broadcast on the website of BNR. The show “BNR De Wereld” is available for listening back completely [Dutch].