Andy Sorensen wins Pecha Kucha presentation prize
At the 7th annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE) conference held here in Leiden September 21-23 Andy Sorensen won the Pecha Kucha presentation prize.
Pecha Kucha presentations are a special format consisting of 20 slides that automatically change after 20 seconds. The title of the talk was “MTA bifaces used as percussive fire-making tools by late Neandertals”, which discussed the earliest evidence of regular fire making by humans, as inferred from microwear analysis.
The distinctive traces were noted on numerous large bifacial tools attributed to the Mousterian of Acheulean Tradition (MTA) Neandertal culture centered in southwest France.
The honor was accompanied by an award of €1500. Andy was also elected into the ESHE board.