Traveling into space, and back again
How does a honey bee see the Earth? Or a shark? What would the world around us look look like through an infrared camera? And how can you spot Earth from the International Space Station and other satellites? Come and experience it yourself at the Night of Arts and Sciences!
Experience Earth differently
Close your eyes and observe the world in a totally different manner. Using several different virtual reality viewers, you can look at the earth like animals see it, but also experience how scientific spectral cameras capture it in images. During the Night of Arts and Sciences, the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) presents Viewing Beyond. This act in the Hortus botanicus is is a direct spin-off of the CML thematic group Remote Sensing.
Cool artistic impressions
Organisor Esther Philips: 'Within this group we focus on linking the remote sensing techniques to the different research questions at CML. For example, how we can properly embed satellite observations within a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model, or how we can estimate the impact of light pollution on the behavior of pollinators such as bees.'
With Viewing Beyond the group focused on linking the different (Phd) projects to some cool artistic expressions, Philips says. 'In the MULTIPLY project, three of the people are involved in remote sensing. Considering that for most people remote sensing is probably quite unknown, we agreed that it would be really interesting to bring this emerging technique to the masses. This, and the biology background from CML lead to the creation of providing ‘beyond (human) visions’. Eventually this expanded on the full journey from ground measurements to space and back again.'
Visit Viewing Beyond during the Night of Arts and Sciences
16 September, from 7 p.m. in the Hortus botanicus