Special Issue SGA Journal: Jihadists in Syria and Iraq: Recalibrating Concepts, Threat Radar, and Reintegration Policies
Edited by Michael Kowalski
As the caliphate in Syria and Iraq is declining or may be even falling apart altogether, a thorough analysis of the future threat and the development of reasonable policy responses based on meaningful theoretical concepts is urgently needed. In this issue of the Journal of Security and Global Affairs a fairly unique mix of perspectives is offered to get a better understanding of this pressing issue. Especially the combination of insights from both academic and governmental specialists can empower reflections on how to address future challenges in this field.
The contributions to this special issue of the Journal of Security and Global Affairs help to reconsider our conceptual assumptions, to recalibrate our threat radar and to rethink our take on dealing with juvenile extremists. I hope that the composition of this special issue inspires both academics and practitioners in their reflections on and dealings with the challenges ahead of us.
De Bont, R., Weggemans, D., Peters, R. and Bakker, E. (2017) Life at ISIS: The Roles of Western Men, Women and Children 3-17
Wittendorp, S. (2017) Displacing the National Security-Narrative: on the (de-)securitization of the Governmental and Legal response to ‘Foreign Fighters’ 18-29
Van Miert, H. (2017) The Right Target in Sight? Returnees and the Current Jihadist Threat 30-41
Van der Heide, L and Geenen, J. (2017) Children of the Calipate: Young IS Returnees and the Reintegration Challenge 42-59
Please click here to read the special issue of the SGA Journal.