Promising new collaborations with Institut Teknologi Bandung
The Faculty of Science forges new research collaborations with the Institut Teknologi Bandung in Indonesia in the fields of tropical diseases, e.g. tuberculosis and medical biotechnology.
In the second week of September, the Faculty of Science received a visit from the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Professor Daryono Hadi Tjahjono. Several alumni from his faculty perform PhD-research in Leiden in the fields of pharmacy and biotechnology.
Meeting in Indonesia
The visit followed a meeting earlier in 2017, when a delegation from the Faculty of Science met with professor Daryono Hadi in Indonesia. Both parties agreed then that it would be worthwhile to look into opportunities to cooperate more strongly.

Full programme
Professor Daryono Hadi had a full programme in Leiden, as he spoke to the dean of the faculty Professor Geert de Snoo; the scientific director of the Institute of Biology, Professor Herman Spaink; the scientific director of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, Professor Hubertus Irth and the scientific director of the Leiden Observatory, Professor Huub Rottgering. He also met with several other scientists from the Faculty of Science.
Promising areas for closer cooperation were identified during these meetings. Especially research in the fields of tropical diseases, e.g. tuberculosis and medical biotechnology, will be further explored.
Institut Teknologi Bandung is one of the leading universities in Indonesia. It started out as a university of technology, but has also become a strong player in the field of science. During the visit in September, a Memory of Understanding was signed at the university level. This will be the basis of future agreements at the faculty level.