Paul Abels appointed as professor of Governance of Intelligence and Security Services
On 1 September 2017, Prof. dr. Paul H.A.M. Abels (60) will start as professor by special appointment of Governance of Intelligence and Security Services at Leiden University. This chair is placed at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs (ISGA).
New chair
Leiden University and the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) think it is highly important that scientific research of the work of the intelligence and security services and of all related issues of governance and control is promoted. More knowledge and insight into this matter, for many unknown and difficult to understand, will benefit the political and public debate on the work of these services, and thus the support for and the quality of the work and the control of these services. That is the reason why NCTV helps enabling the creation of this chair, just like the NCTV did before with the chair Terrorism and Counterterrorism at Leiden University. The chair is supervised by a Curatorium with scientists.
Research and education
Within the BVD/AIVD and as a former manager at the NCTV Prof. dr. Paul Abels has more than 30 years of experience as intelligence producer and consumer. With his knowledge of the intelligence world, he will be able to address important issues and dilemmas that occur or occurred in this work. The emphasis in prof. Abels’ research will be on governance, ethical, juridical, societal and organisational issues related to the work of the services. Apart from his research Prof. Dr. Abels will teach in the new minor Intelligence Studies.