VENI award for Anke Ramakers and Hilde Wermink
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Veni funding to two researchers from the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Anke Ramakers and Hilde Wermink. This award offers these criminologists the opportunity to develop their own ideas over a period of three years.

In total NWO awarded a Veni to 154 researchers this year. Veni, together with Vidi and Vici, is part of NWO's Talent Scheme. The funding, of up to 250,000 euros, is intended for excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhD. More than 1100 researchers submitted an application for a Veni. With these 154 awards, NWO is investing a total of 38.3 million euros in fundamental and curiosity-driven research.
A short summary of their projects is given below
In a job, out of trouble?
Dr. A.A.T. (Anke) Ramakers (f), Leiden University – Criminology
Based on the common belief that employment increases successful re-integration, policy efforts are directed towards connecting inactive ex-prisoners to jobs. This project helps to develop theory and evidence-based policies by examining (1) causes of joblessness, and (2) effects of different kinds of jobs and different kinds of joblessness on reoffending.
Detrimental or beneficial effects of imprisonment?
Dr. H.T. Wermink (f), Leiden University - Criminology
Imprisonment is typically the most severe sentence that can be imposed. Nevertheless, it is unknown whether sentencing goals are achieved through imprisonment. This study examines whether imprisonment works to reduce re-offending, for whom it works, and how consequences can be understood. This knowledge is necessary for more effective correctional intervention.