Beryl ter Haar presents at the international congress 'Labour2030 - Rethinking the future of work'
On 13 and Friday 14 July 2017 the International Congress took place in Porto, Portugal. The conference was bilangual with simultaneous translations between English and Portuguese/Spanish. In total there were about 350 participants from 23 different countries, however, most of the participants came from Portugal, Spain and Latin America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela).

The main theme of the conference was on new technologies and work, data protection in the context of work, non-comptetion clauses (in particular with regard to platform work), and occupational health and safety, with an emphasis on cancer.
Beryl ter Haar acted twice at the conference. Once, together with Attila Kun (from Karóli Gáspár University, Budapest, Hungary), to present some preliminary results of their research on The future of compliance and remedies in transnational private labour regulation. The second time Beryl ter Haar acted during the closing section, in which she performed two pieces of the 3 Landelijke Miniaturen by B. van den Sigtenhorst Meijer, for oboe solo. The latter on explicit request of the Portuguese organisors.