Beryl ter Haar presents at LLRN3 Conference in Toronto
From 25-27 June 2017 the 3rd Conference of the Labour Law Research Network took place in Toronto, Canada. Beryl ter Haar participated in two panels. The first panel dealt with strike law from a comparative perspective between South Africa, Russia, The Netherlands, and Europe. The contribution of Beryl dealt with two questions.

Firstly on the question to what extent the Dutch approach to the right to strike is in compliance with the European Social Charter. Secondly, to what extent the strike laws and approaches of the European Social Charter, The Netherlands, South Afrika, and Russia are able to accommodate the challenges offered by the changing world of labour law, in particular, the increase of employee-like workers and transnational solidarity strikes.

The second panel was on Collective Labour Law within the EU, Europe, and beyond. Beryl was one of the panel convenors and a chair of this session. The participants of the panel were contributors to an edited book (in wording) on EU Collective Labour Law. The session was labelled as a "fishbowl", which was a newly introduced form for presentation. The idea behind the fishbowl was that every participant presented a proposition in 2-4 minutes followed by a debate of 10-12 minutes. This format turned out to be very succesful. The session was very lively, many insights, ideas, comments, etc. have been exchanged and all participants got useful feedback to finish their chapters for the book.