World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights 2017 in Dublin
A delegation of the Child Law Department has attended the World congress on family law and children’s rights in Dublin, from 4-7 June. This congress organised once in every four years was hosted by prof. Ursula Kilkelly (University College Cork). Over 600 people attended the congress; professionals and academics in the field of family law, juvenile justice and children’s rights from around the world.

Seven colleagues from the Department of Child Law participated in this global event. At the congress inspiring key note speeches were given by, among others, Baroness Brenda Hale of Richmond, Judge of the UK Supreme Court and Marsha Levick, Director of Juvenile Law Centre, Philadelphia.
Ton Liefaard and Stephanie Rap both focused in their presentations on the concept of child-friendly justice, from an international children’s rights perspective and a practical point of view, respectively; how can child-friendly procedures be implemented in practice?
Machteld Vonk presented on children in multi-parent families: the recommendations of the Dutch Government Committee on the reassessment of parenthood and the legislation on multi-parent families In British Columbia, Canada from a children's rights perspective. Yannick van den Brink presented his PhD research on pre-trial detention of juvenile suspects. Kartica van der Zon and Marielle Bruning spoke about their study on the participation of children in care proceedings in the Netherlands. Finally, Simona Florescu presented a contribution on the relationship between the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union in cross border cases. In her presentation, she argued that the European Court of Human Rights could contribute to ensuring better protection in cross border children's rights cases without undermining but rather by ensuring full compliance by Member States with EU Law.