Melanie Fink speaks on Frontex at ‘Open Doors’ Summer School in Naples
On Sunday 18 June 2017 Melanie Fink, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Europa Institute, held a lecture on Schengen and the new European Border and Coast Guard Regulation in the framework of the ‘Open Doors’ Summer School on Migration, (Sea) Border Control and Human Rights.
The Summer School was organised by Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean (Prof. Giuseppe Cataldi) in partnership with the Queen Mary University of London and the International Organization for Migration. It took place from 14 to 22 June 2017 at the Vesuvian Institute Campus in Castellammare di Stabia in the vicinity of Naples, Italy. The participants from all over the world included master and PhD students in political science, law, and other disciplines.
The overall goal of the Summer School was that the participants study and discuss migration in the Mediterranean from an interdisciplinary perspective. Melanie Fink was invited to participate in a day-long Panel on the European Union Immigration Policy. It was opened by Mariagiulia Guiffré (Edge Hill University Ormskirk), who presented the Common European Asylum System and the reform proposals related to it. Melanie Fink then introduced the participants to the EU agency Frontex, in particular the human rights implications of the agency’s enhanced competences under the new European Border and Coast Guard Regulation. Niovi Vavoula (Queen Mary University of London) gave an overview of the multitude of databases relied on by European authorities in the area of immigration and asylum. The day was conclude by Marco Fantinato (Guardia di Finanza - University of Rome “La Sapienza”), who spoke on enforcement powers at sea and their development over the last decade.
Among the other speakers were members of International Organisations and EU Agencies, public officers, practitioners, Non-governmental Organisations, and academics from various European Universities.
More information on the Summer School, including the academic programme, can be found here.