CFP MA Masterclass Feminist Theory with Lynne Huffer
CFP: Two-day PhD/ Research MA masterclass Feminist Theory with and around the work of Prof. dr. Lynne Huffer organised by the OZSW in cooperation with NOG
Date: June 13-14, 2017
Location: Leiden University & Utrecht University
Organisers: dr. Kathrin Thiele (Utrecht University) dr. Annemie Halsema (VU Amsterdam) and Nathanja van den Heuvel (PhD candidate Leiden University)
The masterclass is a high-level course aimed at advanced Research MA and PhD students whose research relates to themes such as ethics in the Anthropocene, (feminist) posthumanisms, Foucauldian feminisms, feminist (new) materialism, French feminism, queer theory, feminist epistemology and poststructuralist philosophy. The masterclass consists of a lecture by Prof. Lynne Huffer (DOING GENDER Lecture Series at Utrecht University) and a research seminar at Leiden University, in which Research MA and PhD students will have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from Prof. Lynne Huffer and other participating faculty of NOG (Nederlandse Onderzoeksschool Genderstudies - Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies) and OZSW (Nederlanse Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte - Dutch Research School of Philosophy). The aim of the masterclass is twofold: First, this course will provide insights into state of the art research in the broader field of feminist philosophy and gender studies, with specific focus on questions of ethics in the Anthropocene. Second, the masterclass will also contribute to the participants’ academic and professional development by giving OZSW ad NOG students the opportunity to engage with each other’s work.
Registration for the masterclass
Both OZSW and NOG students, as well as other interested parties register via the OZSW for the masterclass: http://www.ozsw.nl/activity/8192/
All students and PhD candidates interested in participating in this masterclass apply with a short statement of interest (200-300 words) and participants willing to present on their research can submit an abstract of 300 words via the online registration form. Deadline for registration and presentation abstract is May 24, 2017.
The selection of presenters will be made on a first come first serve basis, provided that this will lead to equal representation of both OZSW and NOG students. In the occasion the number of students willing to present on their research exceeds the available time in the masterclass students will be offered the opportunity to submit an essay.
Costs: Participation is free for OZSW and NOG candidates, all others are required to pay a fee of 50 euros, which includes lunch and drinks.
Additional Readings: All enrolled participants will receive additional reading in preparation for Prof. Lynne Huffer’s visit.
Credits: for successfully completed studies (paper presentation and/or written paper), a certificate for 2 ECTS credits will be awarded by OZSW/NOG.
For questions please contact the organiser: Nathanja van den Heuvel (n.a.e.van.den.heuvel@phil.leidenuniv.nl)
Programme for visit of Prof. dr. Lynne Huffer at Leiden and Utrecht University
Doing Gender Lecture
(open to all and free attendance, but compulsory to register via nog@uu.nl)
Date June 13, 2017
Time 15:30- 17:00
Location Drift 25, room 1.02, Utrecht University
Prof. Lynne Huffer’s lecture is part of the DOING GENDER Lecture Series which the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (NOG) organizes regularly at Utrecht University. This series of lectures stresses the importance of doing gender work combined with an active involvement in the practice of gender theory and research. The concept of 'doing gender' supports a hands-on approach to gender issues in the sense of social and political engagement with the new forms of gender inequalities that are taking shape in the world today. Prof. Huffer’s lecture is coorganized by the NOG and the OZSW (Research School of Philosophy).
Prof dr. Lynne Huffer: ‘Wanton Extinction: Queer Feminist Ethics in the Anthropocene’
This talk seeks to engage and unsettle some of the assumptions that undergird contemporary new materialisms and the ecological thinking to which much of that work is bound. Drawing on the method of Foucauldian genealogy, the paper asks about ethics in the context of the Anthropocene and contemporary discourses of mass extinction. If the Anthropocene is a problem of our time, how do we engage in ethics talk within a frame that paradoxically both recenters and exceeds the human? The paper argues that Foucault’s archival method offers a way to approach this question through a focus on earth archives as historical traces of other-than-human beings. Engaging specifically the long debated question of when the Anthropocene started, I offer a decolonial queer feminist perspective on these origin stories as bound to the epistemic and moral foundations of a modern Western anthropos that masks his own emergence through genocidal violence. The earth archive as ice core offers an alternative story to this usual humanist narrative. Drawing on the speech we might hear in the ice, I ultimately argue for a queer feminist mode of ethical questioning as a limit-attitude that temporarily suspends the modes of intelligibility of our present. In this way I hope to reopen the question of Anthropocene ethics as a simultaneously human and posthuman endeavor.
PhD/Research MA masterclass
Date June 14, 2017
Time 12:00- 1700 (lunch from 12:00- 1300)
Location Lipsius Building, Room 148, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD Leiden
The research seminar will provide the participants with the opportunity to present on their research in 15 minutes, followed by feedback given by Prof. dr. Lynne Huffer and other participating faculty, as well as a general discussion. There will be room for 8 presentations. In the occasion the number of students presenting on their research exceeds the available time, students will be offered the opportunity to submit an essay. The essays will be evaluated by the participating faculty/organisers of the masterclass.
About Lynne Huffer
Lynne Huffer is Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Emory University. She holds a PhD in French Literature from the University of Michigan (1989) and has taught at Yale (1989-1998) and Rice (1998-2005) Universities. Her fields of study include feminist theory; queer theory; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender studies; modern French and francophone literature; literary theory; and ethics. Her published work is widely cited and reviewed, and she is frequently invited to speak at both academic and non-academic venues. She has won numerous awards, including two major teaching prizes at Rice University and, most recently, the Modern Languages Association Florence Howe Award for feminist scholarship in English (2011). She is the author of the books: Are the Lips a Grave? (2013); Mad for Foucault (2010); Maternal Pasts, Feminist Futures (1998); and Another Colette (1992); and numerous articles on feminist theory, queer theory, French literature, and ethics.