Improving the collaboration with Indonesian universities
In the week of 22 May, a delegation of the Faculty of Science visited Indonesia to strengthen the cooperation with the Universitas Gadjah Mada, the Universitas Indonesia and the Kebun Raja (botanical garden) in Bogor. Furthermore, the delegation visited the faculty of Pharmacy of the Institut Teknologi Bandung to discuss the possibilities of scientific cooperation.
Sharing a new research facility
The delegation of Leiden University consisted of director of the Hortus Botanicus Leiden Prof. Kessler, head of Legal Affairs Mr. Mandel, and retired executive Dean Gert-Jan van Helden. By signing an agreement in principle, another step was made towards the realisation of a Joint Research and Training Centre of the faculties of Biology and Pharmacy of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Leiden Science. This Centre will be developed around a zebrafish facility which meets the highest standards of research in both Biology and Pharmacy. The agreement was signed on behalf of UGM by the Dean of the faculty of Biology Prof. Budi Setiadi Daryono and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho.

Autumn shool
The Leiden delegation met a delegation from Universitas Indonesia, which consisted of Prof. Noviar Andayani, Prof. Yasman, Prof. Alhadi, Prof. Jatna Supriatna, Prof. Djoko Tryono, Prof. Abinawanto and Prof. Ridla Bakri. The faculties of Science of both universities decided to make a next step in the cooperation in the field of education. They decided that, building upon the successful winter school in Indonesia, from 2018 a autumn school will be organised in The Netherlands in which students of both faculties will take part. Three PhD candidates were identified on the topics of bioinformatics and of high resolution microscopy.

Two hundred years botanical garden
The botanical garden in Bogor celebrated its two hundred anniversary with a large manifestation. Among the many guest were the former president of Indonesia Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri, the minister of communication and information, the president of LIPI and the Dutch ambassador. On behalf of the Leiden Faculty of Science Prof. Paul Kessler and Gert-Jan van Helden presented a gift to the director of the botanical Garden in Bogor, Didik Widyatmoko.

Institut Teknologi Bandung
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with a strong reputation in the field of Life Sciences and Pharmacy. The delegation made a fruitful discussion about the possibilities of cooperation in both research and education. The delegation of ITB consisted of the Dean of the faculty Prof. Daryono H. Tjahjono, Prof. Tutus Gusdinar, Prof. Slamet Ibrahim, Prof. Elfahmi, Prof. Marlia Singgih Wibowo and Prof. Sophi Damayanti. Early September, the Dean of the faculty Prof. Daryono H. Tjahjono will visit the Faculty of Science in Leiden to identify common subjects in research and education.

Meeting Indonesian students
Finally, the delegation of the Leiden Faculty met with a group of prospective master students organised by the Leiden Science Indonesia Office (LESIO). The students have already been accepted by the Leiden Faculty of Science and were prepared for their interview to obtain a scholarship.