Summer Schools 2017: from Biopharmacy to Papyrology
Want to explore a different specialist field? Or maybe study a topic from your programme in more depth? This summer Leiden University is again offering a broad selection of Summer Schools.
Different faculties are organising intensive lecture series in July and August on the most diverse topics. Students, PhD candidates and professionals from within and outside the University can gain extra knowledge about their specialist field. Besides the lectures, there are also opportunities for social activities and trips in and around Leiden. The result is an ambitious and pleasant setting with many international participants and a unique opportunity for Leiden academics to share their knowledge with the world.
Wide choice
This summer, participants can choose from more than twenty different Summer Schools, both in Leiden and The Hague. There is, for example, a Summer School on Biopharmaceutical Sciences but also on Old Russian, on national legislation in European member states, and on Papyrology. The programmes are always small in scale and offer participants personal guidance and excellent teachers.
The full range of Summer Schools covers the areas of Science, Law, Archaeology, Peace & Justice, Teaching and Language & Linguistics. The summer schools are accessible for anyone who is interested, providing they have the required prior education and experience. The deadline for registering and the costs of participation differ according to the Summer School.
A selection of the Summer Schools
Europeanisation of Administrative Law Summer School
In the last week of June 2017 the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department of Leiden Law School, supported by the Municipality of the Hague, is organising a Summer Course on the Europeanisation of national administrative law in EU Member States. The course is open to doctoral students and young professionals in EU Member States who are eager to learn more about the reception of EU law in the administrative law and practice of other Member States and who would like to share their experience or knowledge of the Europeanisation of their own national administrative law. The programme of the Summer Course looks very promising with more than twenty speakers having confirmed attendance.
More information and application
International Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences Summer School
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences will provide a new version of its Summer School Programme in 2017, building on the welcome success of the previous event. The success in capturing the enthousiasm of previous participants lies directly in connecting people from very different international backgrounds, based on their shared research interests in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences. We will make our labs, facilities and leading experts at LACDR, the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, availble for the coming summer school in 2017. We will also provide our summer school programme around Drug & Target Discovery, Systems Pharmacology and BioTherapeutics.
More information and application
International Law Summer Schools
The Grotius Centre offers a range of summer courses which focus on different areas of international law and human rights. The International Criminal Law Summer School and the International Humanitarian Law Summer School are open to bachelor's students, while our other courses are mostly geared towards master's students, PhD candidates and professionals. All summer schools encourage active participation, and they aim to link theory to practice. The workshops, simulations and exercises are not only taught by academics but also by practitioners from the international courts, tribunals and organisations that are present in The Hague.
Leiden Summer School in Languages & Linguistics
The 2017 Summer School in Languages and Linguistics will offer ten different programmes, ranging from Papyrology to Iranian and from Old Russian to Descriptive Linguistics. All courses are taught in English, which means that good knowledge of the English language is a basic requirement. Only the course on Russian literature is taught in Russian. Apart from the classes, some extra-curricular activities will be planned during the Summer School, such as an opening reception where participants can get to know each other and their teachers in an informal setting, and several other social activities.