Mathematics and art: two sides of the same coin
Come to IMAGINARY at Administration and Central Services (Rapenburg 70) and discover the beauty of mathematics. This exhibition is open to the public until 24 March.
Beautiful sculptures and captivating photographs aren’t exactly the first things that come to mind when you hear the word 'mathematics', but what the IMAGINARY exhibition in the hall of the Administration and Central Services building succeeds in doing is showing us that there is a world of art hiding behind the numbers.
Where art and numbers meet
The IMAGINARY exhibition includes numerous laminated posters, an entire series of 3D prints of mathematical objects, and a collection of software visualisations and simulations that the visitor can interact with on big touchscreens. Visitors can also play with so-called Penrose tilings on large puzzle tables. These exhibits allow visitors to discover where art and numbers meet.

Mathematics Platform Netherlands
IMAGINARY is an initiative of the Dutch universities and Mathematics Platform Netherlands (PWN). The exhibition introduces the general public to mathematics in all its breadth, power and beauty and also pays special attention to secondary school pupils. In the three weeks that the travelling exhibition is in Leiden, school classes can get a guided tour free of charge from 15:30 onwards. The tours are led by employees and students of Leiden University’s Mathematics Department. On the three Wednesdays that the exhibition is on display—8, 15 and 22 March—related lectures will also be held from 16:30 to 15:15 in the Administration and Central Services restaurant.
More information
You can find more information on the IMAGINARY website. The website also has an impression of the exhibition and gives information on how you can register a visit by a school class.
Images: Bart van Overbeeke Photography