Marileen Dogterom new KNAW board member
Marileen Dogterom, Professor bionanoscience in Delft and Professor molecular physics in Leiden, will take a seat at the KNAW board as of June 1st. She is appointed for four years, one day per week. Dogterom succeeds Nobel Prize winner Ben Feringa, who completed his term.
Marileen Dogterom (1967) leads the Bionanoscience department of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at the TU Delft. Since 2000 she has also been affiliated with the Leiden Institute of Physics, initially by special appointment and later as full professor. Dogterom is one of the pioneers in the area of biomolecular physics. Her research focusses on the cytoskeleton—micro tubes that give living cells their shape and mechanical function, and enable them to divide. In her lab, Dogterom recreates parts of a cell in a controlled environment to get a quantitative understanding of the mechanics behind the cytoskeleton. Her work lays an important basis for the development of artificial cells.
Dogterom is Medical Delta Professor, member of EMBO and Academia Europaea, and received an ERC synergy grant in 2013.
KNAW board per June 1st
José van Dijck (Utrecht), president
Wim van Saarloos (Leiden), vice-president
Philip Scheltens (VUmc), general secretary
Marileen Dogterom (Delft/Leiden)
Marc Groenhuijsen (Tilburg)
Maarten Prak (Utrecht)