Call for Lorentz-eScience competition 2018
The Netherlands eScience Center and the Lorentz Center are looking for researchers who want to join the Lorentz-eScience competition and organize a workshop at the Lorentz Center@Snellius, Leiden, the Netherlands.
The Lorentz-eScience competition aims to host a leading-edge workshop on digitally enhanced research (efficient utilization of data, software and e-infrastructure). The workshop topic should bring together researchers from the academic scientific community and the public/private sector.
What we seek
• an innovative scientific programme, that takes us beyond our current boundaries
• an open and interactive format, with few lectures
• at least one scientific organizer based within and one outside the Netherlands
• at least one scientific organizer from the academic sector and one from the public/private sector
What we offer
• a 5-day workshop for up to 25 people in the first half of 2018
• travel and accommodation reimbursements
• no registration fees or other organizational costs
• a professional support organization
• a 1-page expression of interest by 15 April 2017
• a full application by 6 June 2017
• final decision end of June 2017
• submit applications to: proposal@lorentzcenter.nl
• Wilco Hazeleger, director Netherlands eScience Center
• Arjen Doelman, director Lorentz Center
• Henriette Jensenius, scientific manager Lorentz Center