PhD defense: Op zoek naar onderzoek
On Tuesday 14 February 2017 defended Kees van Gageldonk his doctoral thesis ‘Op zoek naar onderzoek. De totstandkoming van de onderzoekfunctie in het hoger beroepsonderwijs' at the Academy Building of Leiden University. Supervisor of the research is Prof.dr. W. Otterspeer with co-supervisor Dr. P.J. Slaman.
(Dutch) Lees hier de samenvatting en stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift.
This dissertation contains a history of the debate on the type of research that Dutch hogescholen or universities of applied sciences (UAS) as they are referred to in English, should do. This debate took place in the context of the binary system of higher education in the Netherland. Like several other European countries Dutch higher education is divided in universities and UASs. In the Netherlands this system prescribes by law a different orientation for universities and UASs. Universities offer courses of a academic nature while UASs offer courses that are practice orientated. The bachelor-master-system, introduced following the Bologna Declaration, is subject to this difference in orientation as UASs are not allowed to award the Master of Arts or Master of Science degree. Several actors participated in the debate. Among them the Ministery of Education and Sciences, the Parliament, the HBO-raad (Dutch association of UASs) the associations of employers, the Advisory Council on Science and Technology (AWT) the association of Dutch universities and from the international perspective the OECD. |