Master’s Open Day: “We want to enhance our prospects on the job market”
Have you already chosen your master’s? Visit our Master’s Open Day on 10 March and find out what Leiden University has to offer you. “By visiting the presentation and talking to students and tutors at the Information Market we’re hoping to learn more about the content of the degree as well as job prospects.”
A master’s programme gives you the chance to focus in more detail on your specialist field, to broaden your perspective and to prepare you for the job market. Visit the Master's Open Day on Friday 10 March and discover all the options for yourself.
You will find all the Humanities programmes in the Lipsius and the Arsenaal buildings, and some other locations nearby. View the programme and register via the master’s site.
Explore your prospects at the Job Market Café

Many prospective master’s students visited last year’s Master’s Open Day. Laura and Sanne, for example, are both second year’s International Studies students at Leiden University. “We decided to visit the Information Market at the Master’s Open Day to find out more about minors and which we should choose for the Master’s degrees we’re interested in.” They also asked Career Adviser Atse at the Job Market Café for his advice on internships. “We’re both specialised in Russian studies, so we are hoping to do an internship in Russia.”
Visit the Job Market Café at the Information Market! You’ll be able to meet alumni and the career advisor between 14.00 and 16.30 hours (Arsenaal Building). Do the quiz: find the right answers to our humanities career questions and you might win a laptop!
Check out yourprospectsforwork.nl for more information about studying and work.
“We really like Leiden, it’s very cute!”
Habon from Alkmaar and Yusra from London came for the programme in African Studies. “We decided to visit the Master’s Open Day to find out more about the MA in African Studies.” Asked about what they think of Leiden as a place to study, they said: “We really like Leiden, it’s very cute!”

Talking to students and recent alumni
Jelle from Leiden and Rick from Maastricht visited Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
“The main reasons we’re visiting the Master’s Open Day is to talk to students and recent alumni from Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. The website gives you a lot of information, but talking to students gives us a much better idea of what it’s really like to study this degree. We’re currently studying Political Science and Liberal Arts, so we’re hoping to use this Master’s degree as a specialisation to enhance our prospects on the job market.”