Frontiers of Children's Rights in the ASEAN Region
From 23 to 27 January 2017, the Child Law Department and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden Law School organized the first regional edition of the Leiden University Frontiers of Children’s Rights Summer School. The Frontiers of Children’s Rights in the ASEAN Region was set up under the supervision of Prof. Ton Liefaard, UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights at Leiden Law School in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the Universitas Indonesia and the Human Rights Center of Ateneo de Manila University. The Asian Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice acted as the School’s partner in organizing a special day on children’s rights and juvenile justice.
Over 40 representatives of ASEAN bodies, researchers, government officials and professionals from Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Australia, Sweden and France participated in the course. During the first four days, held at the Faculty of Law of Universitas Indonesia, the participants were offered a wealth of lectures and workshops on international and regional children’s rights issues affecting children, families and communities.
These lectures were taught by Leiden Law School academics as well as regional experts, including Prof. Sriprapha Petcharamensee, Chair of the Institute for Human Rights and Peace Studies at Mahidol University in Thailand, Dr. Razwana Begum, Restorative Justice expert from the Ministry of Social and Family Development in Singapore and Francesco d’Ovidio, Director of the International Labour Organization Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste.
On the last day of the course the participants were invited to a panel discussion on Children’s Rights and Sustainable Development Goals, Violence Against Children and Child Poverty and Social Protection, hosted by UNICEF Indonesia in Jakarta. The closing lecture, held in the Erasmushuis in Jakarta, was delivered by Dr. Seree Nonthasoot, Thai representative of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights. The week was closed with a certificate ceremony and a farewell dinner, offered by The Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta.
The organizers are very pleased with the outcome of the first regional edition of the children’s rights summer school. The participants enjoyed the high quality lectures, and both participants and lecturers expressed their appreciation of the opportunities to expand their network in the field of children’s rights. The course provided everyone involved with renewed inspiration and energy to further the implementation of children’s rights within ASEAN.
In July 2017 the 5th edition of the Frontiers of Children's Rights Summer School will be held. Visit the Leiden University Summer School portal to learn more.