News from the BFW/BPS Study Program Committee
Wednesday 18 January 2017, a university-wide meeting was organized on the upcoming alterations with regard to the role and tasks of Study Program Committees (Opleidingscommissies; OCs) within Leiden University.
Enhanced Governance Powers in Higher Education Act
This meeting was prompted by the introduction of a new law, the Enhanced Governance Powers in Higher Education Act (Wet Versterking Bestuurskracht), which will come into effect on September 1st September 2017.
This act provides that OCs are not only allowed to advise on the Teaching and Examination Regulations (Onderwijs- en Examenregeling; OER) but also gain the right of approval of various parts of these regulations. Hence, the tasks and responsibilities of OCs will be significantly changed as of September 2017. The meeting aimed at informing OC members on these changes and providing tips for the implementation hereof. Various student members as well as the president of our OC BFW/BPS attended the meeting. The OC will further discuss the findings and will define a new strategy on how to adhere to these new regulations.
Recently, six students as well as three staff members were appointed as new members of the OC BFW/BPS.
The OC is currently composed of the students:
- Amilio Emmanouil,
- Marleen van Dorst,
- Emma Kruijt,
- Guus Koorevaar,
- Jip Linthorst,
- Ramon de Koster
The students can be reached through: ocstudentbfw@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl
And the staff:
- Dr. Janine Geerling (president)
- Dr. Isabelle Kohler (vice-president)
- Prof. Joke Bouwstra
- Dr. Erik Danen
- Dr. Laura Heitman
- Dr. Elke Krekels
- Prof. Johan Kuiper
And the staff can be reached through: vzocbfw@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl