Last PhD doctorates of 2016
The last two months of 2016 were a very productive time for the ACPA. We had no less than 6 promotions!
And all six PhD-candidates are now young doctors in creative and performing arts. Just a little recap:
In November 2016 visual artist Hans Scholten was promoted on Urban Future and Calypso musician Clarence Charles received his doctoral degree on Calypso Music, Identity and Social Influence: The Trinidadian Experience.
In December 2016 visual artist Sophie Ernst obtained her doctoral degree on The Magic of Projection, Singer Niels Berentsen got his doctorate titel with his research Discantare super planum cantum, New Approaches to Polyphonic Improvisation 1300-1470 to obtain his doctoral degree. Harpist Maria Cleary obtained her doctoral degree with her research 'The “harpe organisée”, 1720-1840. Rediscovering the lost pedal techniques on harps with a single-action pedal mechanism' and doublebass-player Christopher Williams received his doctorate title with his online manuscript Tactile Paths.
All six manuscripts and defences were quite different from one another. But it once again proved the diversity of our PhD-candidates in the creative and performing arts. We are looking forward to another productive year! On March 9 our candidate Budhaditya Chattopadhyay will be the first candidate of 2017 to publically defend his thesis. His manuscript is titled ‘Audible Absence: Searching for the Site in Sound Production’.