Student project Computer Science for Volvo Ocean Race
Seven bachelor students in Computer Science at Leiden University are participating in a research project on big data and event management. Their work should eventually result in a system that can be applied at the finish of the Volvo Ocean Race in The Hague in June next year.
Data science and events
In the third year of their studies, students of the various Computer Science bachelor programmes perform a research project. Student projects are possible in any computer science domain. A group of seven students is now incorporating data science into event experience and security. They are hoping that their results can ben used for the finish of the Volvo Ocean Race in The Hague in June 2018. The students will soon define their own research questions regarding big data and event management.
Optimize security and experience
Computer Science & Economics bachelor student Joost Miljoen: ‘We want to help take the first step in optimizing the security of the Volvo Ocean Race and the way visitors will experience this event. Especially in sailing contests, many spectators have difficulties in seeing and understanding what is happening on the water. Our research team is trying to change this. On the one hand by organizing smaller activities on the event terrain, on the other hand by developing an app with which people can follow the race better.’
Work together
The security of events in public areas always hold many challenges. Cities, event organizers and local residents are working closely together with public safety professionals like the police, emergency medical service and the fire brigade. Together, they are responsible for keeping an event safe but fun. They have to keep all involved parties informed at all times. They must be able to scale up if necessary, but also to manage the security costs.
Basic concept
In this respect, novel insights gained from computer science and economic science are welcome to the sector. The bachelors Computer Science and Computer Science & Economy at Leiden Universityprovide this multidisciplinary approach. Joost Miljoen: ‘We, students, want to provide a basic concept for a product that can be used in event security and experience. Not only at big festivals or races, by the way. A summer day at the beach can also be seen as an event. To keep it workable for us, we are now focusing on the Volvo Ocean Race.’
The Hague Security Delta
The bachelor project is part of the The Hague Security Delta, the leading security cluster in Europe. In this Dutch cluster –with important regional hubs in The Hague, Twente, and Brabant– businesses, governments, and knowledge institutions work together on innovations and knowledge in the field of cyber security, national and urban security, protection of critical infrastructure, and forensics.
The bachelor students will be mentored by Leiden University, KPN and Prooost. Other partners in the project are TU Delft, City of The Hague, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Siemens, Cocoon Risk Management, DITSS and Qualogy.
Volvo Ocean Race finish in The Hague
The Volvo Ocean Race is the world's most renowned sailing contest. It covers the entire globe in 11 stages. The 2017-2018 season will start in Allicante. Through the Southern Ocean, it will finally reach the Atlantic Ocean. The finish is planned in The Hague in June 2018.