Beryl ter Haar guest lecturer European labour law at the law school of HSE Moscow
Under the invitation of Labour Law and Social Security Law Department of Faculty of Law of the "Higher School of Economics" (HSE) dr. Ter Haar delivered lectures in English for students of the bachelor programme "Jurisprudence", for students of the Master programme on "Legal security of personnel management", and for postgraduates of the Faculty of law of HSE.

The lectures took place on 13, 15 and 17 December 2016, and dealt with the following issues:
- the employment relationship (how this is viewed in Europe and what it means for labour law and why therefore the definition of employee is important, and elaborating to the debates about employee-like workers - for instance with uber, but also more traditional like musicians and in sports);
- flexible forms of labour and flexicurity (from a fundamental rights approach based on 'the right to work' and from the perspective of reconsiliation of family- or private-life and work and how the EU deals wiith these issues through the idea of flexicurity;
- dispute settlement in labour law in general and in the situation of the termination of the employment contract in particular (firstly viewed from the fundamental right to a fair trial (Art. 6 ECHR), continued with a review of various forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in individual disputes and of collective dispute settlement)
Based on the subjects of the lectures, students had to solve and present a case in a moot court, which took place on 20 December 2016. The moot court was part or a trial-session of the Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition on European and international labour law, in order to explore options to extend the competition to non-EU countries. Students performed excellent and the trial can be named a success.
Additionally, a seminar for all PhD-students of the law faculty took place on 14 December 2016. The topic of the seminar was 'law and soft law in the world of legal pluralism'. After an introduction to the topic by dr. Ter Haar, ideas were exchanged in relation to the PhD-students' researches.
Dr. Ter Haar continued her stay in Russia with a visit to the Ural State Law Academy in Yekatrinaburg where she was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the 3rd annual conference on collective labour law for academics and trade unionists. The subject of the speech was on 'trade unions in (times of) crisis: challenges and opportunities'.
PPT presentation Yekatrinaburg
PPT Moscow: