Public Defense: The Magic of Projection; Augmentation and Immersion in Media Art
On December 7th & 8th, visual artist Sophie Ernst will defend her thesis The Magic of Projection; Augmentation and Immersion in Media Art, to obtain her doctoral degree. The public defense takes place in two stages. On Wednesday 7 December 2016 at 4 PM Ernst will publicly elucidate the artistic work in the exhibition MEMORY: Architecture of Belonging for the Doctoral Examination Committee, at the Gallery of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague. On Thursday 8 December 2016 at 1.45 PM Ernst will defend her dissertation in the Senate Chamber of Leiden University.
Ernst researches the notion of reality in projections, making a distinction between immersive or augmenting projections. The immersive screen space constitutes an imaginary realm, while reality exists around it. Augmenting projections take place in space: an image is projected onto a three-dimensional object. In her dissertation, Ernst argues that augmenting projections are persuasive, not because they are materially real, but rather since they make visible what we could imagine as real. This argumentation resonates in her artistic work through which she visualizes personal and ideal notions of 'home' in relation to migration.
7 December 2016 at 4 PM
Gallery of the Royal Academy of Art
Prinsessegracht 4, The Hague
8 December 2016 at 1.45 PM
Senate Chamber of the Academy building
Leiden University, Rapenburg 73
EXHIBITION MEMORY: Architecture of Belonging
30 November - 8 December 2016
Opening hours: Opening hours: Mon-Thu 10 AM-9 PM, Friday 10 AM-6 PM,
Saturday 11 AM-4 PM, Sunday closed
Prof. dr. Kitty Zijlmans, Professor in the History and Theory of Contemporary Art, Leiden University
Prof. dr. Janneke Wesseling, Professor in Practice and Theory of Research in the Visual Arts, director of PhDArts, Leiden University.
Both defenses are open to the public. Entrance is free.