Launch of the Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics
International scholarly publisher Brill has released the most complete and up-to-date reference work on the Chinese language available today. Prof.dr. Rint Sybesma oversaw the project as Editor-in-Chief.
The Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics (ECLL) consists of more than 550 articles written by scholars from around the world, with the majority residing in Asia. It covers subjects on all possible aspects of Chinese, from morphology and language acquisition to sign language and youth language.
The official launch of ECLL took place in Hong Kong and Singapore last week.
Liesbeth Kanis, Brill’s Business Development Manager in Asia, comments: “Publication of the ECLL is a massive achievement on the part of the editors and the numerous contributors, many of whom are based in Asia. This mammoth academic reference work will prove the primary resource on Chinese languages and linguistics for years to come. We are happy at Brill to offer it to the scholarly world both in print and online.”
Rint Sybesma, Editor-in Chief of ECLL, comments: “It was an ambitious project: Chinese linguistics is a huge field, with a long history both in China and abroad, and it is a field that is very much alive today, so from the start we knew it was going to be monumental. Covering a wide range of topics (from the origin of writing to musical notation and from oracle bone syntax to neurolinguistic processing) in more than 500 articles by more than 350 authors from all over the world, we, as editors, are quite happy with the result. And proud, too, of course.”
For more information: Brill launches the Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics