Taskforce ‘The Future is Diversity’
Leiden University, Erasmus University and the Vrije Universiteit are collaborating in the Taskforce The Future is Diversity, aiming to improve the study success of bicultural students.
The mission of the taskforce, which was set up this year, is to lower the dropout rate of these students and improve their integration on the labour market. Figures indicate that the dropout of this group is higher than other students and that there are difficulties entering the labour market. The three universities want to develop and implement a lasting and effective approach. The importance of the Taskforce is supported by the Ministry of OCW and there is cooperation with other educational institutions and knowledge centres which will in the future also include employers.
Initiators of the Taskforce:
- Prof. J.J.M. (Hanneke) Takkenberg (Erasmus University)
- Dr I. (Isabel) Hoving (Leiden University)
- Prof. M.R.J. (Maurice) Crul (Vrije Universiteit)
Contact: info@taskforce-diversity.nl