PhD Defense Hans Scholten
On Wednesday 16 November 2016 at 3 PM visual artist Hans Scholten will publicly defend his dissertation entitled The Urban Future Project.
The public defense takes place in two stages. On Friday 11 November 2016 at 15.00 Hans Scholten will elucidate the artistic work in the exhibition Urban Future # 11 in relation to his research. The exhibition, held at the Gallery of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague, presents a selection of artworks that Scholten made within the framework of his PhD research and takes place from 9-19 November 2016. On Wednesday 16 November 2016 at 15.00 Scholten will defend his dissertation entitled The Urban Future Project at the Large Auditorium of Leiden University.
Scholten investigates the influence of chaos, fragmentation and entropy on the quality of life in a rapidly urbanizing world and how this supposed relation can be made visible and sensible in artworks. The discursive and artistic argumentation departs from Scholten's large archive of photographs and sculptures, through which he researches global urbanization and quality of life, as well as critically reflects on the specific conditions of his own artistic practice.
16 November 2016 at 15.00
Large Auditorium
Academy Building of Leiden University
Rapenburg 73, Leiden
EXHIBITION Urban Future #11
9-19 November 2016
11 November Public Defense in the exhibition.
Gallery of the Royal Academy of Art
Prinsessegracht 4, The Hague.
Opening hours: Mon-Thu 10.00-21.00, Friday 10.00-18.00,
Saturday 11.00-16.00, Sunday closed.
Prof. dr. Janneke Wesseling, Professor in Practice
and Theory of Research in the Visual Arts, director
of PhDArts, Leiden University
Prof. dr. René Boomkens, Professor in Cultural
Studies, University of Amsterdam
Jean Bernard Koeman, visual artist