News & events by ACPA PhD-candidates
Upcoming events, new publications and news about our PhD-candidates
Ned McGowan: World premiere new composition 'Garden of Iniquitous Creatures'
On November 18, 20 and 26 the Grammy Award Winning ensemble Eighth Blackbird will perform new work from composer/flutist Ned McGowan: Garden of Iniquitous Creatures.
Please find more information on the dates and locations of these performances on Ned's website.
New CD The Art of the Contrabass Flute
Ned has just released a new recording The Art of the Contrabass Flute. It's available on CD, as a digital download AND on vinyl LP. As Ned describes his new recording: “I'm extra excited about the LP version because the contrabass flute sounds on record like a classic solo by Jimmy Page, although the music is (mostly:) quite different.” Joining Ned McGowan on the recording are pianist Keiko Shichijo and south Indian percussionist B.C. Manjunath.
Workshops and performances by Magda Dourado Pucci
- November 7-10 - Workshop about indigenous music at X Symposium of Language and Identities of Amazonia - Pos-colonial ways and decolonization of knowledges and senses. Local: UFAC - University of Acre - Rio Branco
- November 11-12 - Workshop about indigenous music for musical educators at UFAC - University of Acre
- November 15 - Mawaca´s concert Pelo mundo com Mawaca - SESC Vila Mariana Theatre - Sao Paulo
- December 4 and 5- Avant premiere Mawaca´s concert Nama Pariret - SESC Pompeia Theater- São Paulo
New CD Elizabeth Dobbin with Le Jardin Secret, Jean-Baptiste de Bousset: Airs sérieux
Elizabeth has recorded a new CD with Le Jardin Secret, Jean-Baptiste de Bousset: Airs sérieux.Recorded for the specialist Belgian label, Fuga Libera, the CD of airs sérieux for voice and viol consort arrangement, delivered in historic French, represents the culmination of the group’s research into the forgotten repertoire of the prolific Jean-Baptiste Drouard de Bousset (1662-1725).The airs are delivered in historical French, under the generous guidance of Nicole Rouillé.The voice is accompanied by two theorbos and viola da gamba, mirroring the instrumentsfound in Bousset's possession on his death. The seventeenth century was truly a "do-ityourself"time, and to reflect this tradition, Le Jardin Secret has included some of his multi-voice airs inarrangement for viol consort.
The CD represents the culmination of Le Jardin Secret's research into the unjustly forgotten sound-world of Bousset. These miniature jewels are now available to the ears of modern audiences for the first time in 300 years.
Shaya Feldman touring
Together with his trio Zvov, double bass-player Shaya Feldman is touring in The Netherlands with a performance called: Zvov Sensory. Performances are limited to 12-15 audience member.
November 1: Roode Bioscoop, Amsterdam, two shows at 19:30 & 21:30
November 4: De Lommerd, Arnhem, 19:00 Zvov Sensory and 20:30 Set with Annelie Koning
Ud player Nizar Rohana will perform on the following dates:
- Dutch Masters of the Ud, Het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, 2 November
- A solo concert during November Music in Den Bosch, 13 November
- A series of concert with the renowned Dutch bass player Tony Overwater:
- Midden Oosten Cultuurmarkt, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, 5 November
- Jazz on the Sofa, Zeist, 06 November
- Green Beat Cafe, Amsterdam, 17 November
- Sijthoof-Leiden, 20 November
Publications by visual artist Jack Segbars
PhDArts candidate and visual artist Jack Segbars has recently published the essay: 'Benjamin in Palestine, On the Task of the Translator in the Age of Platform Production' at Open! Platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain.
A conference held last year in Palestine reflected on the relevance of Walter Benjamin’s critical responses to oppression, in a place all too familiar with its reality. Here, Jack Segbars considers how and if critical theory now can avoid entrapment by the very target of its critique, and instead realize actual political change. As knowledge production becomes more entangled with artistic production, models – namely that of participatory panel discussions – must be reviewed for their capacity to enact the change they so desire.
Also published by Jack Segbars is the essay: 'Gordiaanse knoop, de langzame mars van de instituties’ at Metropolis M, #5, 2016. In this essay Segbars reflects on the recent turmoil concerning the presentation platforms for the arts in The Netherlands and Belgium and the changed relation of these artistic platforms vis à vis politics.
News on visual artist Lilo Nein
Visual Artist and PhD Candidate Lilo Nein is going to show her solo exhibition INCONVENIENT POSITIONS at Galerie Michaela Stock in Vienna. The exhibition is part of the research project “Writing Performance”.
November 10 // Opening, 7 p.m.
November 17 // Closing event, 6 p.m. talk with curator Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, 7 p.m. performances in response to the exhibition by Sara Lanner, Yvonne Speglic